How wonderful that Christ not only taught us God’s Laws, but gave us everyday examples for following them. These are relevant, still, today! I find the instructions of my Fellowship teachers echoing His, which encourages me as I go along, hoping to, eventually, live life in harmony with all creation, especially my fellowman.
This thought gives me hope and encouragement that living in peace, harmony, and fulfillment can become a reality if we just make the effort and learn to cooperate with the laws that govern the universe.
The yearning that comes over me when I reflect on God’s universal laws is one of profound peace, knowing that guided by Cosmic Law, my actions and thoughts can achieve all that I desire.
How wonderful that Christ not only taught us God’s Laws, but gave us everyday examples for following them. These are relevant, still, today! I find the instructions of my Fellowship teachers echoing His, which encourages me as I go along, hoping to, eventually, live life in harmony with all creation, especially my fellowman.
This thought gives me hope and encouragement that living in peace, harmony, and fulfillment can become a reality if we just make the effort and learn to cooperate with the laws that govern the universe.
The yearning that comes over me when I reflect on God’s universal laws is one of profound peace, knowing that guided by Cosmic Law, my actions and thoughts can achieve all that I desire.
It’s like the saying, “the higher you rise the further you can see”
I like to think that it is this “indescribable yearning” that keeps us on the path to greater unfoldment and becoming closer to God.