Most of the guidance and training Lemurian students receive as they study the Philosophy in their own environments comes through Fellowship letters, either on paper or online. For some, these letters will be their only connection with the Great Work, although many students in faraway places travel to California to meet their teachers and visit Gateway. For others, Fellowship letters are their lifeline to the training and to the Great Ones.
The Personal Message to students in Lesson One opens the door to the incomparable help of Fellowship letters as it assures each one that
ours is a warm and personal concern for your greater wellbeing , and we sincerely desire to see you attain the good you most want from life. In those who will be corresponding with you as a student, you will find compassionate understanding actuated by the most loving motives.
As the earthly channel through which Lemurian Masters can reach and help humanity, the Fellowship fills a unique and sacred role which we take most seriously. All who bear this privilege and responsibility are students ourselves, some for over half a century in our current lifetime. In working through the Lemurian Basic Instruction, the Advanced Training, and Lemurian Order membership for many years, Fellowship teachers have encountered most of the experiences and challenges today’s students face.
When we are asked to help students with problems we have not personally solved, we can turn to others of the teaching staff with their extensive life experience and knowledge. And we can always turn to the Great Ones who are ever ready to help and guide us in our sincere desire to serve the students. This we do through prayerful thought and meditation, asking that we may be helped to understand circumstances that may be new to us, and know how best to advise our students. At these times Fellowship letters become true guided missives.
These students have captured what all of us have felt about these Fellowship letters :
Without this course, I would be wandering from self-help book to self-help book and not part of this focused education experience that is essential to my personal unfoldment. While many books touch on the information I am learning here, I don’t have access to clarifications provided through the Fellowship letters, or the support and feedback I have received.
It always amazes me how I can read correspondence over again yet experience the same warmth from the message. There truly is nothing like the healing touch of Lemurian communications!
In times of challenge and stress, receiving a letter from you means more than you can probably imagine.
And from a longtime student who was never able to visit the Fellowship:
My health has deteriorated and I have to accept the fact that I will not be able to visit the Fellowship in this lifetime. To say it’s one of my biggest disappointments is an understatement. I was so looking forward to meeting the people with whom I have been corresponding these many months and years – those precious souls who have given me so much hope, confidence, and encouragement. Although I don’t know any of you personally,
I was so hoping to somehow convey my gratitude to you and express how much your words have helped me over the years to grow and understand. My life will never be the same, thanks to you.