“…from crude beginnings, there grew and prospered a civilization whose people enjoyed a serenity and peace of mind undreamed of today, a splendor and beauty of surroundings without equal.” – Epilogue, The Sun Rises
There’s a book most Lemurians have read countless times and many of us return to each year. It’s The Sun Rises, a sacred guide we turn to for inspiration and practical answers. You might call it our Sourcebook. It’s the true story of how the first civilization on this planet came together, and woven into its pages is the recipe of basic rules on how to create the next great society, when the sun rises on a new world.
Within this captivating story of the long-ago characters who began the first cooperative endeavor on earth can be found early pearls of wisdom that were later strung together into lessons comprising the Lemurian Philosophy.
Have you ever heard or read a story that moved you deeply and touched a resonating chord within you? One that rang so true that you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the words came from divine authority and you felt enveloped in truth guided only by loving justice for all? And that within its spell, you are safe and at peace with all about you? This is how I feel when I read one of my favorite chapters, Rhu and Hut Visit the Elders.
When you read it, you may feel that way too. Your heart may be filled with hope, enthusiasm and inspiration for the world. You may say to yourself, “I am in full agreement with the wisdom I have just read. It’s beautiful, and it would be the answer to the innermost prayer of every good person on earth. Who could disagree?”
But then, the old and deeply ingrained habit of negative thoughts and doubts may reassert itself and you sigh that the world is a mess, it seems it always has been and isn’t getting any better. “Most everyone would agree it is in need of real serious change, and I would gladly follow the plan revealed in The Sun Rises, but what about others? I can’t see them changing,” you may protest.
But I reply that, if you feel the world is out of control, that there is no way out and the future is bleak, doesn’t it seem obvious that continuing to do what comes naturally to most won’t bring us the happiness we all seek? So change we must, and change is possible if we start giving good thought to all we say and do, understanding that change won’t happen overnight. It takes courage to go against the majority, too. But we can. If each of us does our part, we can.
Seventy-eight thousand years ago, a small group of rough-hewn people, some of them hereditary enemies, joined together and begin what eventually became the greatest civilization the world has yet known. Admittedly, they had much help from more highly developed people. But they did it. And so can we. A successful start has already been made, and all we need are people of courage, sincerity, and goodwill to help us move forward. We invite you to join us as the sun rises on a new world!