As I turned, nervous but purposefully to the person by my side, I knew a powerful and significant moment had arrived. I was about to commit to the culmination of a long-wished-for deep desire, fulfill a resolute goal, find the answer to a prayer. My Lemurian map into marriage had brought me to my wedding day!
What’s the big deal? you might ask. People get married all the time, and for every one of them, it’s special. What was so different for me? It’s that I had a Lemurian map into marriage to bring me to this happy conclusion, and Lemurian tools to constructively pursue this personal happiness and desire.
It wasn’t always this way. Not long ago I was rather despondent, devoid of confidence and unsure how to go forward. My previous relationships had irrevocably broken down. I felt anxious about my failures and wondered how I was ever going to move purposefully ahead. And it didn’t happen overnight.
But the miracle of life is that it’s an evolving process. Often the determining factor is just deciding how to forge ahead and then rediscovering that anchoring spring of exuberance and purpose that once was taken for granted. I was fortunate because here beside me was the Lemurian Philosophy to offer direction and the navigational tools I needed to place my feet firmly on that forward path.
I learned to change my thoughts and even my way of thinking, to believe in myself and gain confidence in projecting a positive aura of anticipated success.
With the Lemurian emphasis on quality and character development, I could discover the pleasing qualities and attributes I was looking for in another person if I did my part to earn this enlightenment. I knew I wanted to be with a kind person, so I went out of my way to be kind, and by working on this trait, attracted kindness into my life by the inevitable action of universal laws. Using these laws, I worked one by one on other characteristics important to me.

Another strong desire was someone to share leisure pursuits such as walking and cycling, so I joined a walking club to open up practical channels to help me along. I wanted someone with spiritual values, and focused on attracting such a person into my life. It’s a little like intensely wanting a certain sports car. After awhile you spot the car at the turn of the road or sitting in a parking lot.
Over many months I moved ahead on an evolving and changing journey of thought and action, positively creating, developing myself to attract someone of similar attributes. How well I remember the day I met her as one of deep gratitude for being a Lemurian and having a Lemurian map into marriage. Now as I go forward, I feel blessed to continue working from my road map, evolving as I move into marriage and a life of beauty and purpose, one bright moment at a time.