All posts by Lemfel
We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results. Herman Melville
Can you think of a better time to start changing the world for the better? What would that take? Would I need to be rich and influential? Or be on the world’s stage to be heard? Maybe those advantages could help, but you see a lot of courageous people starting small to create something important.
So, how do we change the world? I know if change stood a chance of working, it would have to be doable and practical. We have to start in our own corner of the world first. What comes to mind for you? What if no one used profanity – wouldn’t the world be that much nicer? Or if no one criticized others – wouldn’t life be so much kinder? And what if everyone was just a little more appreciative –– wouldn’t we all benefit from the happiness of such positiveness? Or is this just pie in the sky?
I guess I’m getting carried away, because thinking this through a little more, I realize these ideas are merely what I want it to be like! – and subconsciously I’m simply trying to blame ‘the other guy’ who doesn’t seem to be up to snuff.
But this brings me to the Lemurian Philosophy. Since I started building some understanding of this unique guide to living into my life and environment, I have sometimes been wonderfully pleased and other times no less than amazed at how I ‘ve gradually been able to use many Lemurian principles for my benefit. And I’ve learned that even greater benefits can be enjoyed by looking for ways to help and benefit others. Going back to my little ‘blame’ episode again, I really know better. I’ve learned that change starts with ourselves – and as Alice A. Carey assured us in her memorable poem Nobility:
True worth is in doing everyday that goes by,
some little good – not in dreaming
of great things to do by and by.
Going back to what we all want others to be, I realized that if I could be like this, we could all be like this, because I’m just an average guy . . . no paragon of virtue. Unmistakably, I realized I have to start with myself, working to release and spread positive-exampled influence to the best of my ability. For as Alice Carey adds:
For good lieth not in pursuing, nor gaining of great nor of small,
But just in the doing, and doing as we would be done by, is all.
So in my desire for change, I’ll try to start with simple steps. Such as, what if I managed a genuine smile for others as I went through my day – wouldn’t I be expressing more love? And by being a little more thoughtful of others – wouldn’t I begin to value and work better with everyone? Maybe a bit less competition and more cooperation would help. And as I begin to fully appreciate and enjoy the beauty of nature and my surroundings, wouldn’t I start to grow more peaceful within myself – and then be able to project this more into my environment?
The principles and opportunities presented within the Lemurian Philosophy are simple, effective, and endless in application. Can I change the world – can we change the world? Yes! We can start by changing our world, and showing others what’s possible. Learning to translate the dream into the practical reality, sustained with concentrated mindfulness, offers countless potential.
And as we do this, we all move closer to a more practical utopia, in perfect harmony with Lemurian ethos, as one of the Great Ones has suggested –
Develop patience, for with humble patience, all things you can envision today will become the realities of tomorrow.