The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. –– Chinese adage
When I was very young, I overheard a conversation between my sister and a Lemurian student. They were talking about reincarnation and other intriguing aspects of the Lemurian Philosophy and from that day on, I felt a strong, almost mysterious conviction –– like a revelation –– that this was the path intended for me. I never questioned this feeling which led me, several years later, to enroll with the Lemurian Fellowship. But there were some hurdles to get over.
There’s no denying that English has become the main language people around the world use to communicate, and I perfectly understand this is the most appropriate one to use in teaching and training students in the Lemurian Philosophy.
But for someone like me who grew up in a French Canadian environment not at all conducive to learning this language, I also understand how challenging it can be for anyone whose first language is not English to become a Lemurian student.

I started by reading The Sun Rises. I had to refer constantly to an English dictionary to understand unfamiliar words and expressions, and if this book had not been so captivating, I could never have made it to the end. But later, after some lessons in English grammar and memorizing as much vocabulary as I could, I finally got up the courage to register as a Lemurian student.
It was rather chaotic at first, and only much later did I learn that it can feel this way to every sincere student , no matter what language they speak, as they gradually discover the truths of life which often means changing many of the ideas they may have grown up with. But lesson after lesson, persistence brought its rewards and I worked through the fascinating revelations of the Lemurian Philosophy. Actually, reading and understanding English is no longer a problem for me; in fact, it was the easiest part of the challenge. Having to express myself in English was, and still is, the hard part.
Constantly worrying about the grammatical peculiarities of another language, plus never being sure I was translating my thoughts clearly enough to be well understood, could easily have discouraged me to the point of resigning. If I had not been honest enough to admit that these difficulties were nothing more than an excuse to give up, I would long ago have done so.
Still today, the magnitude of having to make myself understood in English can find me procrastinating before sitting at the computer and getting to work. But then, turning my thoughts to the Great Ones for their help and inspiration, each time I manage to express the essence of what I want to say without too great difficulty.
I’ve learned that we can’t ignore an opportunity for soul growth like this, whatever the reasons, without feeling bad about it. Subconsciously, we realize that would be a failure because we can’t escape our destiny. For several years I tried to convince myself that no one is expected to do the impossible. Today, I know how wrong that was! With conviction and determination, we can eventually accomplish what may seem impossible today.
And whatever the challenge, when we succeed, may this prove to the Great Ones that they were right to believe in our potential and determination to meet all the challenges inherent in human spiritual development?