“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunshine.” Benjamin Franklin
A Lemurian Wife and Mother writes:
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected my family in surprising ways. Fortunately we haven’t been sick, but like the rest of the country, we have been doing our best to combat the mental, emotional, and financial aspects of our changing world. In the beginning, there was a sense of fear juxtaposed with calm as we hunkered down in our home, planned our grocery deliveries, played board games and went on neighborhood walks. We did what we could to stay safe; we listened to the experts, wore our masks, and found pleasure in the simple things once again. I felt confident that the Elder Brothers were guiding my decisions as I prayed for their help.
But as our state started opening up and cases began to rise, I was left with a sense of unease. People were responding to the business openings in very different ways. Some friends were talking about how great it was to be back to “normal” while others were wary about the lack of caution in our community. My social media feed was full of articles and opinions for and against wearing masks. Turning on the news filled me with concern as I learned about the virus on a national level and watched story after story of loved ones dying. Local stories reported hospital beds were filling up again and cases were soaring, but in my community, most people still weren’t wearing masks in public. Doctors and politicians were fighting each other and our country seemed more divided than ever before.
Slowly, something began to change in my mind. In my quest to stay informed, I realized I had become overwhelmed with the conflicting messages, division, fear, and outrage and it was taking a toll on me. I had fallen into the trap of worry that Lemurians define as “a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a pivot of fear.”
Once this realization hit me, I knew if I consciously applied the Lemurian virtue Discrimination to decide how, when, and where to get my information, it would improve my mental outlook and decrease my worry. I decided to take a step back from the news and social media. I wanted to stay informed about medical updates and recommendations, but decided I didn’t have to read the political arguments or watch every news story on TV. I trusted the epidemiologists who were experts in their fields and decided to be more choosy about which news segments I watched and how often.
I tended toward factual, optimistic, and cautious news coverage and avoided the emotional stories about loved ones losing their battles with COVID-19. I subscribed to updates from doctors I trusted to give me the up-to-date changes in the fight against COVID-19, and tried to engage in news stories about topics that were optimistic and hopeful. And in speaking with friends, I made a point of listening and understanding the concerns of those who were worried or fearful without taking on their fears myself. I also engaged in more activities that brought me joy, like bike rides and long walks with my dog. Being in nature helps put things into perspective too.

Now we are getting ready to make the decision about our children entering school in person or choosing virtual learning for the upcoming semester. I am continuing to use Discrimination along with the guidance from the Elder Brothers to make the decision that will be best for my family. The opportunities we have been given to put our Lemurian teachings into practice have been plentiful these last few months, but I am so thankful that I have a tried and true spiritual toolbox to pull from to help me navigate the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic.
A Gateway Staff member notes:
One of our special rewards of this period has been eating our meals outside under the trees. Maybe it’s the smaller grouping, maybe the fresh air, but it is refreshing and relaxing. I think it’s helpful for the men who do so much physical work outside to be able to just sit and enjoy the beautiful space they have helped create, and I know the women all like it, too. Maybe it’s the picnic atmosphere or the comfortable seating, but even the insects aren’t a problem. Of course, the quick cleanup thanks to disposable dishes is also a plus. And there seems always to be a breeze.

We hope for all of you, most of the time, your experience with the pandemic is “a breeze,” too!