The attainment of the utmost beauty seems to have been the life work of those who laid out the grounds. Everywhere are blossoming trees, shrubs, and flowers blending in a symphony of color while birds flit through luxuriant foliage.
— A description of the coming civilization
Before the spring flowering is completely behind us, we want to share a few examples of Nature’s unusual outpouring of beauty this difficult year. It really seems as though She is trying to encourage and console us, well aware of the privation and travail so many are going through. And so the rains were generous, the flowers outstanding, the animals abundant.

From our photographer in Northern California a few weeks ago:
Here are our resident ravens. (Not sure why the one was lying in the snow in this shot.)

These two have been around for quite some time and I have taught them that my “wolf whistle” means it’s dinnertime. They’ve taken the place of the dogs we lost not long ago when it comes to our table scraps. They typically raise four chicks a year and should be bringing them by soon. The babies are quite noisy, rambunctious, and act like typical teenagers
In a more recent letter to us, he writes:

This little guy decided to walk around our house looking for something to eat yesterday. He looks to be a pretty young bear, probably not over a year old. I was not that afraid, but was still happy to have a telephoto lens and keep a safe distance.
Here in Ramona one of Gateway’s neighbors says:
It’s the birthing season. We have a giant pomegranate tree right in front of our house that we call “the condominium” because so many critters – rabbits, squirrels and quail – live in it. And a turkey, along with her eight chicks has moved in. They appreciate the birdbath in the front yard, as you can see in the photo.
We see them 20 feet up in the eucalyptus trees. Never expected that.

The closeup shows the mother but you can’t tell that all eight of her young ones are huddling beneath her wings.

We’ve caught sight of this same family strutting along our entry road and even on Gateway itself. They get around!
And from the midwest, a student writes:
As I walked through the Woodlake Nature Center today, I appreciated the most pleasant weather, blue sky with floating clouds, bright, shining sun, cool breeze rustling through the trees. Squirrels scampered as chirping birds flitted through the grasses or across the lake. Passing others enjoying the beauties of nature along the trail was nice, and I thought of the beneficence of God for providing this wonderful experience for me and others of His Creation. I felt grateful for this experience, this lovely setting, during this particular time.