All posts by Lemfel
Disappointment can be hard to take, but humility is here to help, its quiet strength based on faith that all is working out for the best despite appearances. – Lemurian Philosophy
I try to remember these thoughts when I feel troubled or disappointed, but they were not the ones on my mind when I was passed over for promotion. When he hired me, the boss said my position offered a good opportunity for advancement. So with two new positions opening up, and with excellent reviews, I was anticipating new challenges and better pay. Then two people from outside my office were given the jobs! I was so angry I quit.
A key Lemurian truth hadn’t yet sunk in: that things work out for the greatest good of all who are sincere. I always clung hard to my ideas of what I thought would make me happy. But this was a time for a closer look at how my life had worked out for the best, even when it wasn’t what I thought I wanted. So often as one opportunity faded, something better replaced it. Maybe I didn’t really know how to be happy. Could a lack of humility be holding me back?
Realizing my pride cost me my job – and not for the first time – I told myself humility is here to help me understand why I was passed over for this promotion and look for the good in what seemed to be unhappy circumstances. Maybe this new job wasn’t right for me in some way.
It took time, but eventually I could look back on this experience without bitterness. And thinking about happiness this way inspired me to more calmly accept that all aspects of my life were working out according to God’s laws and my best good – a whole new approach.
And humility has its rewards! I found out that the new hire couldn’t handle the heavy workload so another full-time employee had to be hired to help her out. Some conflicts in the department came to a head right after I left, too. Glad I wasn’t part of that!
Then came the payoff! My next job turned out to be the most interesting one I’d ever had. When it ended several years later, I was momentarily disappointed. But I accepted it more quickly and with faith, feeling this turn of events held something good too.

The changes in my life have gradually brought me closer to the Lemurian Fellowship and Gateway where I’ve been able to serve in many interesting ways while also building a secure and comfortable life with a loving husband. I can’t imagine a better life.
The funny thing is the more I admitted that I didn’t always know what was best for me, and stopped clinging to old values, accepting that all was working toward the greatest good, the happier I became. These experiences turned out great for my spiritual growth and prepared me for a better, more fulfilling future.
That early job loss keeps reminding me of the unfailing working out of God’s laws and I’m grateful for all the good I enjoy, made possible by accepting humility into my life and my deep and abiding faith in the Lemurian Teachings.