All posts by Lemfel
Our life is what our thoughts make it. – Marcus Aurelius
I was in Australia when I walked through the door of the old bookshop, a subtle but expectant feeling guiding me. What I discovered, and later more fully comprehended, changed my life forever.
I found a book with references to ancient Atlantis and other worlds. Reincarnation, too, and powerful references to atonement and evolvement. But the most significant reference mentioned the Lemurian Philosophy. And that introduced me to the Lemurian Fellowship, an association that’s lasted 25 years.
I was far from home then. And though back in my native country, in a sense I am far from home now. The Fellowship and center of the Lemurian Philosophy is in Ramona, California, and here I am in England. But as I discovered half a lifetime ago, distance is no deterrent, and the Lemurian Philosophy works for me here, too.

You may wonder how that can be.
Watching the world news, I realize we are much the same. For the European struggling to come to terms with a distressed relationship, there’s someone similar in Canada. A woman in Seattle wondering how to bring better morals to her children finds her counterpart in Africa facing the same dilemma.
I was struggling then with a change at work. I had just joined the local postal delivery office, a marked change for me that involved working outside in all weather. And I was dealing directly with the public, not to mention learning to adjust to some colorful character traits in my new colleagues!
I couldn’t just pop round to talk all this over with my Fellowship teachers, so I thought about my predicament, organized my thoughts and wrote the Fellowship. When their helpful response came a short time later, I began to understand the advantages of the Lemurian training system. I’d had time to ponder the situation before their response came. My mind was calmer and I could appreciate more fully their sage advice.
My distance from the Fellowship, and the intervals between letters, proved helpful. I began to understand my role in events. I recognized the need to change my resistance and resentment to my new environment. I started working with the Fellowship’s gentle, non-invasive advice and guidance. Like water wearing away the rock in its path, I started using Lemurian solutions to my problems. As I smoothed the rough spots around me, checking back for advice and assurance of being on the right track, positive changes gradually happened. I was growing and better understood many things.
I enjoyed my work more and appreciated more of the fine qualities in my colleagues. I was making more positive changes in myself, transmuting an unhappy working environment to a more satisfying and enjoyable one.
Today, most of my communication with the Fellowship is electronic instant messaging, and though it’s quicker, I still welcome the intervals between letters. This gives me time to do my best so I may more fully profit from Fellowship correspondence.
I used to wonder, what if the Fellowship were in my hometown? I guess it would be easier to visit, but in terms of real and practical value, distance is no deterrent. The Masters can respond to our needs as quick as thought, and as their earthly channel, the Fellowship helps us wherever we may be.