All posts by Lemfel
The best portion of a good man’s life: his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love – Wordsworth
One of the immeasurable blessings of being a Lemurian comes in learning about the Elder Brothers, Adepts, and Initiates who help and comfort us from the invisible planes. Because we rarely know who may have been responsible for special help we have received in times of need, we often refer to the Great Ones as our benefactors.
Every sincere Lemurian knows of times when these more advanced human friends have assisted or protected us. Here is one student’s especially poignant story, expressing her faith and deep appreciation for the help any of us can earn through our own efforts to follow universal laws and help our fellow humans. She writes:
I most definitely recognize the help being extended by the Great Ones. There are no coincidences. Very recently my stepson was killed by a motorist while riding his bicycle on a dark main road. My son died instantly. The motorist used his pickup truck to block anyone else from hitting my son’s body and immediately called for help. I know he felt terrible and can’t imagine living with something like that. There is a possibility the motorist might have been at fault but that is something we do not know and it doesn’t matter to us at this point. My husband and I hold no ill feeling toward this man and did not pursue any litigation.
Soon after this, while we were driving down a dark street near our house, a bicyclist crossed our path; we could hardly see him with his dark clothing and the lack of reflectors on his bike. Immediately my husband thought of our son and how his accident happened. We pulled over and motioned the cyclist toward our car and he came over. My husband cautioned him to wear reflective gear and shared with him how our son had just been killed riding on a dark street a month earlier.
The cyclist, about our son’s age, introduced himself and gently gave us his condolences, and then revealed that not only had he heard about our son’s accident, but it was his best friend who had been driving the pickup truck. He told us his friend was very remorseful and in his own world of grief and guilt. My husband and I looked at each other and knew this was no coincidence; it was meant for us to send our prayers to him. We told the bicyclist to tell his friend that we didn’t blame him and were very appreciative of his staying with our son in the aftermath of the accident. It was meant for us to alleviate his pain too and I’m sure the Great Ones made this possible. I feel very emotional just thinking about this.
The Elder Brothers, Adepts, and Initiates help and comfort us from the invisible planes.