All posts by Lemfel
It is not alone for us, but for humanity as a whole that we are working. – Robert D. Stelle
Have you ever known a truly advanced human being? Seldom do we have this opportunity, since it’s rare to encounter men and women of superlative ability and character, usually born with a special mission, often at critical times to lead us through desperate and dangerous conditions. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa stand out, almost larger than life, driven by an urge to tackle some critical need, setting themselves and their lives aside for the good of others. Their intense dedication to a greater cause lifts them out of the mundane, into greatness.
Others are shining examples of human possibilities not even imagined possible before them. Helen Keller, who lived blind and deaf most of her life, led the way for many who are overcoming physical handicaps to accomplish amazing things today.
Anyone who aspires to greatness finds it intensely inspiring to be around such people, and it can be life-expanding. Think of those fishermen of Galilee who answered Christ’s call to follow Him, and how dramatically their lives changed. Few are ready for the kind of sacrifices the Apostles made, but many are looking for something beyond the ordinary in life, ready to respond to the inspiration of exceptional people.

Lemurian students are privileged to know one of these unusual people – Robert D. Stelle, who founded our Fellowship. Though he passed on many years ago, we know him about as well as you can know anyone you haven’t met personally. He is our first Lemurian example who lived the Lemurian Philosophy he taught.
You may wonder how we can know a man we haven’t met. We study the Philosophy he wrote and use its principles every day. We never tire of reading about his adventures. And he himself wrote about a very early incarnation when he helped begin the world’s first civilization in Lemuria, also known as the Continent of Mu. Through his descriptions and lively drawings, we visualize scenes he took clairvoyantly from the Akashic Record.
We talked with and learned from those who lived and worked with Dr. Stelle during his lifetime. They tell us that under the most trying conditions, he never lost his sense of humor. He was impartial and just with everyone. He made all his friends feel there was something admirable in them. No matter what may have been in his heart, he was always cheerful – a familiar twinkle of fun and good humor in his eyes. He was more enthusiastic about others’ success than his own. He was too experienced with life to worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, too happy to allow the presence of trouble.

And today, the intense practicality, sincere desire to help, irrepressible sense of humor, hard-working, self-sacrificing, kind, dependable, deeply thoughtful traits we see in our friends are his qualities that make our life and work such a joyful experience.
By the way, Dr. Stelle would not be comfortable with so much being said about him. For all his unusual abilities and deep understanding of truth, he was a very humble man who did not expect to be remembered for his part in bringing Lemurian history and wisdom to us from the forgotten past. But because he did, we have its guidance and help to make ourselves and our civilization into something we can be proud of.
Love, he told us, is one of the most potent of all forces. Without it, nothing is very worthwhile. With it, almost everything is. None of us are the type who can be driven, otherwise we would be of little use in our work. We all will cheerfully do far more for love than would be possible for any other reason. With it, we vibrate in perfect harmony, automatically converting the electrons into power for the purpose behind what we are striving to do — and will do, providing we always keep our ultimate objective before us.
#lemurian #character #greatness #exceptionalpeople