“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein
Not long ago I seemed to be fulfilling this scenario, and sidestepping insanity became a high priority for me.
I work as a postal employee for the Royal Mail in England. I thoroughly enjoy my job and value my contribution to society, very content to be able to serve the public by delivering their mail. But not long ago, I moved to a new home which changed my several minute commute to one that took an hour. Now I dreaded going to work. I wasn’t happy about getting up so much earlier, the stress of driving in busy traffic, and how tired it was making me feel. It was affecting the way I viewed my job and my family relationships too. I wanted things to be different but they weren’t changing. One thing was for sure—unless I figured out some way of sidestepping insanity by changing something, it would continue.
One of the greatest advantages the Lemurian Philosophy has given me is the ability to bring positive change to my life and environment by changing my thoughts and attitude. And so I got to thinking. What if I looked at my situation in a different light? Why not recognize my daily commute as an opportunity to express a better outlook? As I began to mull over this new take on things, simple but powerful steps toward contentment began to materialize. As if a light switch had been turned on, I enjoyed seeing myself mentally making a difference in my daily activities.
I started putting into action what my Lemurian training had taught me.
I woke each morning with greater vigor and enthusiasm, embracing my power of choice. It was no longer a dark morning struggling to make itself known, but a new day about to dawn with fresh promise!

Even though the roads I travelled might be congested, I chose to admire the changing array of color in the new dawn casting itself across the sky. And above the mundane sights and sounds of traffic were the swelling buds of spring on the surrounding trees.
When a driver behind pressed too hurriedly, I chose to understand his impatience and anxiety of the morning, and courteously moved over. Through simple but measured thought processes like these, I had a positive impact on my happiness. And if the drive became a little monotonous, I could think about and be thankful for all the good in my life. It became a pleasant game for me—seeking opportunities to see the good that is so readily available, building strength and well being into myself.
Isn’t this what contentment is all about? Although my world is not perfect, by using the Lemurian training to transmute my thoughts and outlook, I am taking important steps in that direction and hopefully having a beneficial influence on those around me too.
#LemurianWisdom #commuter #stress #LemurianPhilosophy #positive change #LemurianTraining #contentment