He who wishes to know the road through the mountains must ask those who have trodden it. – Chinese Saying
Among the many genuinely interested or simply curious people who come up the Lemurian Fellowship’s driveway to talk with us are many who are looking for more in life. We try to help them discover whether the Lemurian Philosophy resonates with what they trust and believe in and offers new vistas they want to explore.

While many have heard of Lemuria, their ideas about it and the truths that made it great are all over the map. So we are always happy to explain the Fellowship’s role as a School with the sacred responsibility of teaching Lemurian Philosophy and training serious aspirants who are looking for more in life how to use these ancient principles to enhance their lives and help others in harmony with universal law.

We’ve seen a dramatic increase in people’s general information about Lemuria in the last 80 years, and more and more often, we are hearing from those who seem powerfully drawn to what they feel or believe is here, yet strangely hesitant to give the Lemurian Philosophy a try. Because this paradox is increasingly common, we’ve thought about it. And we think we know why.
Unless we have unusual control over our environments, all of us live with chronic information overload. The media, our computers, our smart phones not only offer us almost infinite resources, trivial and profound, but they contact us, remind us, tempt us and pursue us through our days and ding away into the once peaceful hours of the night. We have so much information at our fingertips, eyes and ears, there’s not enough time to assimilate it, organize it, or think much about it. For those who battle with this incessant intrusion into their thoughts, there seems no chance for anything else, not to mention the ever-present concern for privacy and not wanting to be hounded by emails or other follow-ups after finding answers to our questions.
Maybe because there seems no time for concentration or deeper thought, it somehow seems like information itself must be enough. If you have enough information about the wisdom of the ancient Lemurians, isn’t this good? It’s like the fine quotes shared on Facebook. Many hold universal truths. But they flit into and out of our minds so quickly, replaced each day with the next wise and interesting quotation, do we really give them time to take root and mean something?
The problem is, information is only a collection of facts, and until we actually prove those facts in our experience, we don’t even know if they are true. Fellowship students convert the Lemurian information into knowledge by applying it in their lives. They use the Law of Precipitation to bring desired things and conditions into their lives. The Law of Compensation helps them eliminate debt and build prosperity by making spiritual changes in their thinking and living. Compassionate teachers help them do this efficiently and in harmony with other universal laws that also affect everything we do and all that happens to us.
So for all who knock on the Fellowship’s door, enjoy a few minutes’ conversation and the peaceful beauty of this location, and take away our web address or brochure, we look forward to the time when you feel the urge to investigate further and discover all that the Lemurian Masters would so gladly offer you through their earthly channel, the Lemurian Fellowship.
#LemurianFellowship #LemurianPhilosophy #Lemuria #UniversalLaw #Masters