All posts by Lemfel
Our fourth blog post, 16 months ago, was “The Day the News Brought Peace of Mind.” We want to revisit it for two reasons. First, the newspaper is bringing us more and more unhappy news now, and we need a break. And second, that post talked about Earth Day, 2015. Today is Earth Day 2017, and tomorrow, the Lemurian Fellowship is manning a booth in Balboa Park to honor this event. We hope many of you can come by!
The morning paper 16 months ago arrived as usual, but the news was anything but.
The front page headlined the 60th anniversary of a group called I Love a Clean San Diego, just completing their annual Creek to Bay Cleanup. They’ve done hundreds of cleanups, removing over 200 tons of litter a year. They believe education can make people want to change their behavior. “We don’t support propositions, bans, or lawsuits,” they said. A surfer added, “They do a really good job of showing people what they can do, instead of what’s wrong with the world.” A deeper understanding of service.
This group joined an Earth Day parade that attracted 60,000 people to Balboa Park and the 300 environmentally friendly exhibits at the EarthFair. Organizers say it’s the world’s largest free environmental fair.
Also on the front page, after declaring for weeks that it would have to close, the San Diego Opera decided it would do whatever it takes to remain in business after all.
There was an inspiring story about a local Ramona pharmacist who decided to check on an elderly customer who hadn’t picked up his prescriptions. His calls unanswered, he drove to the man’s home, and when his knocks brought no response, called the sheriff. Inside, they found the man lying in the bathroom after a fall two or three days earlier. He’s glad to be alive now, thanks to an alert young man thinking about helping others.
These stories caught our eye and raised our spirits. Oh, there was other news, little noted and unremembered – bad weather cut through several states, hospital errors were up, there was a killing somewhere – the kind of story you find every day. But why make ourselves miserable scouring the globe for the most upsetting world conditions, then beating them to death every night on the news? How does this bring greater peace of mind? If we think so much about catastrophes, are we becoming more afraid, even attracting a disaster of our own?
One Lemurian said recently, “I used to listen to the news on my way to work, and was filled with anxiety over all I heard. Listening to the Lemurian Viewpoint CDs is a much healthier way to start my day.”
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” wrote James Allen.
So what shall we think about? The choice is ours. The troubles of the world? Or all the good that positive, hopeful, and ingenious men, women, and children do every day in spite of the trouble and unhappiness around them? Who do you want to think like? Who do you want to be like? Who do you want to be?
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. – Paul the Apostle
A young man wrote the Fellowship asking “What is God and where do I find God?” A vital question to ask as we continue our spiritual journey this lifetime!
Christ said two laws are more important than all others: to love God with all our heart and with all our being, and to love our fellow human beings as we love ourselves. These are the twin paths to knowing God. Believing in and loving God is one path that leads naturally to loving others. Or we may begin with our love of others and through this, find God.
Many of us have an innate sense of a higher power, a greater Intelligence behind the orderly operation of the universe and the events of our lives. But those who question or doubt need some help to reason toward this understanding, and as they make this effort, their faith grows stronger.
The truth that God is good is a starting point. Those who recognize God’s presence in themselves, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or any God-centered faith, have one universal quality in common. They’ve learned to recognize that all we do either reflects God or it doesn’t. They’ve learned things they can do that reflect God more strongly in themselves.
In a family, marriage, or with friends, we often do unselfish things for each other. Have you noticed how your love for someone deepens when they perform some kindness for you? And haven’t you done things for them just to see the joy on their faces and experience the happiness this brings?
Sometimes, the depth of this love becomes most evident when someone you love dies. You know the ache of losing them, the feelings of loss. Having someone you can freely give your kindness and love to is priceless. You love being able to share yourself, your deepest thoughts, your dreams with someone close. You could do this with anyone, but there are some with whom these feelings have grown over time, so instead of spreading these acts of love to all we meet, we reserve them for those we trust to respect them. By doing this, do we limit our expression of God, and thereby, our recognition of God?
When children leave home for the first time, unless they have learned to reach out easily to others, there will be a noticeable hole in their lives. It will be a lonely time and they will feel homesick. Those who have learned to let others into their lives and give of themselves will soon find those they can love and who will love back.
Secrets about the nature of God are more easily discovered in the heart than in the head. Look for God through the good you feel and experience. If you go contrary to God and what the Creator represents your whole basis of belief will flicker and grow dimmer until it is all but undetectable. But practice being your best and your understanding of God will increase. Try to live as God intended humans to act toward each other, and you will find God.