All posts by Lemfel
Our progress depends on our attention to details. By giving these good thought, we develop mentally and can better meet more important issues. – Lemurian Philosophy
I had read these words about the reliable virtue Precision in my Lemurian study, but they really hit home when I found myself in a quagmire of paperwork, hunting for a single receipt. We needed this as proof of our car repair. And it was somewhere in the stacks of papers I’d set aside to file . . . someday. That day had arrived if I wanted to find that receipt!
No more wasting precious time digging through piles of paper! I decided to bite the bullet and use the good advice my Lemurian lessons offered. It took a few days of piles on the living room floor until it was organized – but it was worth it! And how satisfying to find the receipt and have everything neatly filed away.
Later, when mortgage rates dropped, it was to our advantage to refinance our mortgage. Anxiety started to build as I remembered the first time we refinanced, the hours sorting through receipts for information my husband needed to do the paperwork. Now, I’d have to do it on my own as he had set-in-stone deadlines at work. I felt completely inadequate to do this alone, but I had to so the house payment would be liveably lower. Setting my fears aside, I jumped in. With the filing I’d done earlier, it took just an hour to gather everything and get the job done. Now I was a believer in the reliable virtue Precision!
As long as I keep up with the filing, I have no trouble finding what I need when I need it, even under time pressure. And when something unexpected comes up, I can control my anxiety about handling the situation. I really get how helpful Precision is and how good it feels to be organized.
The reliable virtue Precision has become my friend. At a time when there’s so much said about how little time there is – how stressful life is – this virtue helps me free up time to meet the smaller daily challenges and handle the bigger ones more effectively. And as a Lemurian, this gives me precious time to fulfill my purpose in life and use my mind to grow spiritually.

If you are afraid of something, you give it power over you. Moroccan Saying
One intriguing fact of life is how we can envelop ourselves in failure by trying to avoid it. We’ve heard that fear is right up there with love in its intensity and all-consuming effects. And the Lemurian Philosophy goes so far as to state that fear is our most powerful emotion, and that fear attracts its object. But such fear has to be experienced before we can fully understand its power and avoid drawing such negativity into our lives.
I discovered this one day when I was working alone in our crafts shop, finishing a wooden pedestal for a music stand. We had been advised that a reporter from our local paper was visiting Gateway to gather information for an article she was writing about the Lemurian Fellowship. I wanted to be working on this pedestal so, if she asked, I could tell her what I was doing and answer any questions she might have. But anxiety was building as I concentrated on my work more than usual, hoping not to make a mistake. But evidently, the hope that I wouldn’t wasn’t as strong as the fear that I would!

Very slowly, I routed out three equal-length groves in the bottom of the pedestal where the legs would be attached. As I heard voices announcing that the visitor and members of the staff were approaching, I glanced down at one of the cut groves, only to notice it was a half-inch longer than required! Anxiety was replaced by panic! How could I have made this simple, stupid mistake when I focused such time and attention on getting it done right? But there was no time to address this question as I tried to recover my composure and attend to our visitor as the group arrived. Somehow, I did, answering the few questions she asked.
Only in reliving this experience later did I realize that my intense concern about making a mistake actually created that very mistake. And as if this discovery was not devastating enough, I made another equally as important . . . my concern was focused not only on avoiding a mistake, but also on how any mistake would reflect on me. So instead of providing an interesting and informative experience for our visitor to enhance what she might write about the Lemurian Crafts, I was worried mostly about myself.
I relive these lessons many times, hoping their message is slowly being absorbed. I try to envision what I want in my crafts work and my life, and think less and less about what I don’t want. I know that fear attracts its object, but so do confidence, hope, and love!