All posts by Lemfel
Not long after moving to another area of the country together, my husband and I came to a parting of the ways and agreed to divorce. Like so many people in this situation, we had to decide whether to fight or forgive.
We had recently put a large down payment on a new living room set, and when we split our assets, I was given the furniture since it was too much for him to try to move any distance. We agreed verbally on dividing all we owned, without lawyers, as we had an amicable relationship in many ways.
As my now ex-husband moved back home to be close to his family again, there were many adjustments to make, including the fact that now, there was no one to share expenses with. So it was a shock a few weeks later to receive a notice from him that he wanted half the amount we had paid on the furniture returned to him, and felt I should pay him this amount.
When my ex-husband asked me to pay for half of the furniture we’d agreed I’d keep, negative, suspicious thoughts began to obscure the harmony we’d maintained.
This was dismaying from many angles, not the least of which was that I didn’t have the money to pay him. I felt torn. Should I fight or forgive? While the down-payment money had come partly from an inheritance from his side of the family, on the other hand, in the years of our marriage I had worked full time so he could attend college and get his degree. I really didn’t know what was fair or what to do.
I talked it over with my Lemurian Fellowship teacher, who helped me see that non-resistance was the best course. She explained that if I did pay him the money and it was rightly his, I wouldn’t lose anything in God’s eyes. And if I paid him an amount he was not truly owed, that too would balance out in the long run by the action of universal law. So I arranged to pay my ex-husband month by month, and he was agreeable.
I mailed the first check, and then a second one. But at that point, he called me and apologized for asking for the money. He felt it had been wrong to do so, and he sent my two payments back to me. We parted on good terms, each having thought about some of the good the other had contributed to our marriage.
I believe my faith in the Lemurian Philosophy allowed the time and space for both of us to thoughtfully decide what we really wanted, and not just react to the emotion of the time or pressure from well-meaning family. I gained a lot of respect for his integrity, and for the value of non-resistance.
As I dream of new life at Gateway, the image before me is strong and intense, and I am absorbed in the wonder of it:
There is a complete absence of discordant noises. No sound of car horns, no screeching of tires from sudden stops. Everywhere there is a leisurely ease that can be found only where genuine peace of mind is enjoyed.
I wake from my nap with a start. Through the window, I peer into the damp gloom of a typical winter day. Hmm, and I thought I was in heaven! The traffic is building up on a late Friday afternoon. The scramble to rush homeward for the weekend is in full swing, with the unspoken motto: “Get in my way at your peril.” Suddenly, in the street below, I see a young woman rush across the road as the rain falls relentlessly. A taxi bearing down toward her is slow to react. Thankfully, the moment passes safely, but the shock on the face of one, and the grimace on the other, betrays the unhappiness it brought.
As I turn from the window, my thoughts revert to the pleasure of my dream that wasn’t really a dream. It is a snapshot of a future reality, the outworking of a deeply held desire to live more thoughtfully and cooperatively.
I am preparing for a journey that will take me closer to the reality of my dream, into the new life at Gateway. I am on my way to Ramona, California, home base of the Lemurian Fellowship. It’s a long way from England, but a trip well worth the time and investment. The sunshine there is more than just in the sky, it’s evident in the peace and happiness found in the harmonious activities of those at the nearby sister property, Gateway.
Here, ordinary men and women live and work together intelligently and positively, creating a new and modern world, full of freshness and promise, a timeless permanence that draws visitors’ attention.
When I am at Gateway, observations like these pass through my mind:
Others listen quietly and attentively when I have something to say.
Two or more Lemurians work harmoniously on the task before them.
There’s an evident interest in who I am and how I can contribute to the good of all.
The tranquility and peace of the place surrounds me.
I’m not claiming perfection. Those who live and work here will be the first to admit that they have their share of faults. But there is a sustaining desire for something better. To work on beautifying character. To try to match a lovely material exterior with noble character qualities. Here, a possible and purposeful goal is taking shape. We are working toward the fulfillment of the greatest promise ever made – what Christ called the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Every time I visit Ramona, the ‘dream’ become a little more refined. And as I return home afterwards I learn to translate more of the magic of Gateway into myself and my everyday environment. Does that sound good to you? It sounded good to me when I made my first visits. And it still does, as I continue happily to add my best to the mix.
Thought-provoking or reassuring comments that are posted on previous blog articles may slip by those who keep up with the newest articles week by week. So here’s a random selection of some from the past year that you may find interesting:
From Battling a Hoogwar at Home: “This reminds me of battles with my own Hoogwars. The more I fight and become impatient, the more stubborn and mentally tight I become trying to get things to work out the way I want. The turbulent atmosphere I create seems to make everything break down. It takes a concerted effort to set the problem aside and, guided by patience, turn to something else. When I’m more relaxed with my thinking trained in a different direction, the answer or insight I was looking for often pops into mind. It seems the mind needs some quiet time to process the issue and work out how to handle it. With greater calm and self-control, things fit together the way they should.” (Oleg)
From Astral Plane, Astral Pilot? “My father-in-law died suddenly while visiting us. Our son was the one who found him. It was an emotional time that was made so much better by my understanding from the Philosophy. I could help my children understand what had happened and how Grandpa had moved on to another life. Their acceptance and comfort was possible because of my family’s faith and trust in the Lemurian Philosophy.” (Ruth)
From Shangri-La in California: From one of the cooks: “We who have that privilege learn so much, even from the simple preparation of a meal, what harmony and peace can be. First the gardens, well planned and cultivated, providing delicious nourishing ingredients, all worked on in harmony by many of us. Whether main cook or helper, we enjoy the peaceful acceptance of our efforts, sometimes with encouraging instruction as needed. Sitting down together to enjoy the bounty is one of the proofs of the Lemurian way of life’s effectiveness, sometimes literally in the pudding!” (Angela)
From Extremes or Moderation and Balance? “When I find myself suffering from work deadlines and the needs of the family, if I just close the door physically and mentally and ask for help and guidance, a new sense of calm and not being alone comes to me. Sometimes I wonder if some part of me wants to be this busy and out of balance so I don’t have to look too deeply within or acknowledge that I don’t want to deal with what surfaces when I am alone with myself. When I do stop, sit with myself and ask for help and guidance, I understand that I am never really alone.” (Ted)
From Fellowship Letters – Guided Missives: “Each year I go back over past correspondence from my Fellowship teachers and I can appreciate more dearly the patience, understanding and kindliness they express when working with me. Those letters along with the help and guidance they provide are worth more to me that anything I could ever ask for. Thank you.” (Tracy)
From Extremes or Moderation and Balance? “I can remember a simpler and peaceful time when I was growing up. And I love the phrase in the article, ‘explore the wonders of quiet reflection.’ The world seems to be telling us to live life at 100 mph but I am happy to understand that quiet refection leads to greater peace and harmony within my being. The key could be to embrace the positiveness of the wonders of our modern technological world, but with inner calm and virtue.” (Richard)