When I sometimes observe the shortcomings and seeming ignorance of others, I wonder if they are deserving or worthy of my kindness and love. Then I think of all the love, unlimited patience, kindness, and compassion that God and the Great Ones have shown me, in spite of my all of my shortcomings and blatant ignorance, and I realize that those with seeming shortcomings need my love, kindness, perception, and compassion the most.
What can one add to this? It reminds me of my place as a growing ego, beloved by God. Learning how to experience and practice loving, in every situation, is probably the most difficult thing I ever do. Remembering to try is the key to living well and fully. Not easy. Good to be reminded.
When I sometimes observe the shortcomings and seeming ignorance of others, I wonder if they are deserving or worthy of my kindness and love. Then I think of all the love, unlimited patience, kindness, and compassion that God and the Great Ones have shown me, in spite of my all of my shortcomings and blatant ignorance, and I realize that those with seeming shortcomings need my love, kindness, perception, and compassion the most.
What can one add to this? It reminds me of my place as a growing ego, beloved by God. Learning how to experience and practice loving, in every situation, is probably the most difficult thing I ever do. Remembering to try is the key to living well and fully. Not easy. Good to be reminded.