Balance. Purpose. Enlightenment.
Away from home and on my own in college I seemed to feel each experience more intensely since the choices were mine alone. Dating brought its excitement as well as heartaches, but gradually I reached a point of discouragement as I realized the guys I was dating weren’t ones I could visualize a future with.
As a Lemurian, I knew how to use the Law of Precipitation to bring desired conditions into my life. But could I find a life partner with precipitation?
There are six steps of the precipitation process, each vital to success. The first and most important is intense desire, and that I certainly had. And an unwavering desire made it easier to do whatever was needed to fulfill the other steps.
The second step is visualizing the desired object, so that was my next job. I started a journal of the qualities in friends and family members that I wanted in a spouse. It was hard to pinpoint these at first, but in time I came up with quite a specific list. He would need to be thoughtful, generous, intelligent, hard-working, open-minded . . . and as the list came together, I started feeling optimistic about meeting someone!
Every romantic relationship led me back to my list to see if I had encountered traits to add or delete, knowing I was on a path leading me somewhere wonderful.
The other four steps of precipitation were also on my mind and carefully carried out during these interesting weeks and months.
I knew I would have the help of the Masters who watch over us and extend their aid when we have done our best, and I tried to compensate them by helping others around me. All these things, I knew, were part of the journey toward the important and life-changing goal I was trying to reach. And I knew it would work out for my greatest good as long as I was doing my part.
One day I agreed to a blind date that left me intrigued. A few dates in, it was clear I had found someone special who possessed traits most important to me, and I realized I was falling in love. We married a year later.
I often think about my list and all the time I spent carefully choosing the characteristics and visualizing my life with this very special person, and actively seeking him. By using what the Lemurian Philosophy taught me, and finding a life partner with precipitation, I changed frustration into optimism and created the positive experience I most desired in my life.
#college #dating #marriagePartner #Masters #LemurianPhilosophy
Copyright © 2017 Lemurian Fellowship
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This story jumped out at me because when I was in my mid-twenties, this is the same approach I used to attract my husband into my life. It really does work! I wasn’t a Lemurian at the time, but I had read many positive thinking and metaphysical books, and I felt quite certain that I had to take some type of action towards bringing the right person into my life. The two things I felt I could do to help the process along was to make my specific wishes known to the universe, and then to believe there was a higher power available to help if I would but ask. Now that I am a Lemurian I am learning about ALL of God’s universal laws and how these principles can be applied to my everyday life as I strive to live a happier, more peaceful and loving existence. I know I also attracted the Philosophy into my life through my strong desire to find the answer to that spiritual something which was missing. I wasn’t sure exactly what that “something” was though, until I discovered the Philosophy.
It was a pleasure to learn of your successful precipitation. A fine example of Lemurian principles in action (and one I too can testify to, having precipitated my own life partner not too many years ago).
It would seem obvious that we would use precipitation for the most important things in our life, but I know I did not. I used it successfully, over and over, for smaller things, perhaps not trusting myself to clearly envision the greater ones. Your faith in the process, your understanding of the best uses of this tool, is a great example. Thank you!
Very good application of the Law of Precipitation! Most precipitations involve material objects that are easier to visualize. Yours was more challenging in that you were visualizing character traits more than physical appearance. Before studying the Lemurian Philosophy, I thought that “things were just meant to be”. Your experience shows that with the help of the Elder Brothers, you can have control over important aspects of your life.
Thanks for sharing how you used the Law of Precipitation — for such a significant part of life! The importance of writing down goals (or desires) is something I heard of years ago, but your experience shows me how I can/should be using this for my own precipitations.